I have a horrifically fussy, traditionally weaned four year old and when I had Sonny, I knew I didn’t want to have another child growing up on nothing but cheese sandwiches and beige food!
1. When did your baby commence BLW?
We started BLW at exactly six months.
2. What were bub’s first foods?
His first foods were all the usual veg softened down a bit, along with giant pasta shells mixed with pesto, pin wheels made with pesto and cheese, and blueberries and strawberries.
3. At what month did your baby ‘really’ start to eat/swallow a lot more foods?
We didn’t really notice Sonny properly take in food until just before 8 months. We noticed a huge change in the contents of his nappies too!
4. If you could give one piece of advice to new mums/dads starting out, what would it be?
Advice I’d give anyone starting out is have patience; don’t expect your baby to just wake up at six months, pick up food and start eating. It takes time. Also, embrace the mess. There is a lot!
5. Any setbacks ie allergies, intolerances, eating regression?
We haven’t had any set backs at all. We’ve been lucky. The only issue we get is getting the grandparents on board and trying to get them not to panic when he gags on anything.
6. What age is your baby now and is she/he a good eater now?
Sonny has just turned nine months and eats pretty much anything put in front of him. He’s jumped from the 25th centile to the 75th! The only thing that he doesn’t seem too keen on is egg but I’ll keep trying!