Snow Balls

Snow Balls
5 from 1 reviews

'Snow Balls' - easy to pick up & tasty!

October 28, 2016
: 13 balls
: 2 min
: 1 min
: 3 min
: Easy

These SUPER easy Snow Balls are a staple in our family for #myblwer Ava. They are suitable for 6mo+ they are nice and soft to chew on and so easy to handle without the mess. We have been offering these to Ava since she was 6mo, I wanted a breakfast that I could offer Ava without the mess, easy to pick up and full of nutrition. They are so easy to make, I usually prepare them on Sunday evening and they will last a few days. I offer these to bub for breakfast or snacks when are busy (which is always hehe) and on the run. These balls include full fat greek yogurt which is a great source of calcium for growing babies! Ava does not drink cows milk, so this was a great way to get more calcium into Ava's diet.


  • 55 grams (half cup) of raw quick oats or whole oats
  • 4 big heap tablespoons of full fat greek yogurt (or for a dairy free option use coconut yogurt).
  • 1x handful of blueberries (or any fruit you have at home ie cut up strawberries, grated pear, or apple, cut up kiwi or banana!)
  • 55 grams (half cup) of shredded or desiccated coconut (to use in the balls and for coating the balls)
  • Additional or optional change up the balls by adding in a tablespoon of chia seeds, flaxmeal, some peanut butter, crushed walnuts, almond butter you name it
  • Step 1 In a bowl combine raw oats, yogurt, *blueberries (*or your choice of fruit), feel free to squish/break in half the blueberries into the mixture so the flavour is throughout the snow balls. Also add 1/4 cup of coconut until the mixture becomes a sticky, wet consistency. (see photos below)
  • Step 2 Once combined, wet your hands with water and roll out individual little balls about the size of your babies fist onto a prepared plate with coconut (which will prevent them from sticking to each other).
  • Step 3 They are now ready to eat! OR store the balls in the fridge for up to a 4 days. Either make them the night before ready for breakfast the next day OR make them on the spot! How to serve for a 6-8month old BLWer: serve only two balls onto the highchair tray. If bub wants more offer more. For an 8 month old+ serve exactly the same. To freeze: store them in the freezer (not touching each other) for up to 3 months. To defrost: take snow balls out of freezer, place a plate on bench top for only 30 minutes to defrost OR place in the fridge overnight (or 2hrs in fridge) to defrost. I usually leave a few in the fridge to have them on hand for a quick and easy breakfast or snacks over the next few days.
snow balls
snow balls
snow balls
snow balls

Ingredients in one bowl and stir
Once combined, roll into balls and coat with coconut

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