When did your baby Start baby led weaning?
Started with my son right at 6 months.
What were his first foods?
First foods were avocado, banana, mango and melon.
When did baby start to swallow more food?
Started swallowing within a few weeks. It took time and patience! But around 8/9 months old his intake ramped up, it was unbelievable. All that patience and practised learnt skill paid off.
Any tips or advice for new BLW parents?
New baby led weaning parents – gagging is NOT choking!! Learn the difference and do a baby first aid course. Gagging is very normal, and may look uncomfortable but leave your baby to it and they will work it out themselves. Thankfully he had no setbacks/regressions/allergies.
How old is baby now and how does he eat?
Just turned two and is the best eater ever!! I put it down to baby led weaning.
Additional info:
I should add he’s been completely plant based, except for eggs a few times a week, just like mommy.