Healthy Butternut Squash Soup
This is a THICK soup and is great for BabyLedWeaners 6mo+ and the family. Super tasty and has no sugar, no dairy, no salt or preservatives! The soup is full of spices and goodness. Has your #babyledweaner tried soup yet?? For young #babyledweaners 6mo-8mo rather than offering a bowl full of warm soup which will cause a mess everywhere you could just try offering finger sized toasted bread fingers which have been dipped half way in the soup or try polenta fingers that have been dipped/soaked half way into the soup and lay them on your baby’s high chair tray ... offering loaded spoons is also another great alternative ?. For older #babyledweaners serve as you would serve yourself (with a spoon or bread or steamed vegetable sticks) but in a smaller bowl and make sure it’s not too hot! Could also try serving cold the next day OR as a sauce in pasta! The list is endless!

- 1 butternut squash
- 1 onion
- 4cm of fresh ginger (prep: chopped up into cubes)
- 1/4 tsp (a few sprinkles) of ground nutmeg
- 1/4 tsp of ground cloves
- 1/4 tsp of ground cinnamon
- 1/4 of a can or cup of coconut milk
- Step 1 Turn on oven to 180 degrees celsius. Peel the squash, remove the inside seeds of the squash, then chop up the squash into approx 5cm cubes, place onto non-stick roasting tray. Then cut up the onion and ginger and place onto the same tray as the squash.
- Step 2 Drizzle all vegetables with olive oil and sprinkle all spices. Massage in all the spices/oil all over the vegetables. Place tray into the oven and roast for approx 18minutes until golden brown.
- Step 3 Once cooked and golden brown, remove from oven and leave to cool. In a blender (we just used our ninja nutra bullet) blend the roasted vegetables with the coconut milk together until a spoon thick soup consistency. Soup is now ready! Just need to heat it up to the temperature you desire (either a cold or warm soup). Serve soup with some plain toast strips (as per pic above) OR toasted bread strips OR vegetable sticks OR make your own polenta fingers. How to serve for a 6mo+ baby led weaner? Dip toast or vegetables sticks into the thick soup and place a couple on babies highchair tray or on a suction plate OR you can offer pre-loaded soup spoons. A semi-messy option: pre-load a teaspoon of soup (ensure temp is ok) and hold out for baby to take control / take off you to control. No spoon-feeding, as long as baby reaches out and takes it from you and places into his own mouth.
Is it 1/4 of a can or 1 cup or 1/4 cup of coconut milk
1/4 cup of coconut milk.
Can frozen butternut squash be used?
sure babe! x