When did your baby commence blw?
We started on fruit and veg at 5 1/2 months. Freddie was very keen to be involved with food, grabbing it from our hands and watching intently when we were eating. He was able to sit very well unassisted and could bring his hands to his mouth. We thought it was the right time and the health visitor gave the go ahead.

What were bub’s first foods?
We started Freddie with just fruit and veg as he wasn’t quite 6 months old. His first food was banana and mango. I slices both into thin strips. He was able to hold them well and bring them to his mouth. He seems to really like the taste of the mango, kicking his legs with excitement but wasn’t a fan of banana.
At what month did your baby start to eat/swallow a lot more foods.
Freddie is now almost 7 months. I would say he is just actually eating a reasonable amount of food I.e there isn’t much/anything left on his tray at the end.
Any advice for parents just starting BLW?
Practise using spoons, sitting in the high chair and drinking from a cup at meal times as soon as possible. Every day from 4 1/2 months Freddie would sit with me for one meal and practise/play with a spoon and cup. This meant that right from the beginning he was able to eat from a loaded spoon himself and at 6 months could use the cup himself. Also, enjoy it! It’s so fun, I love meal times!
Any set backs?
Freddie had a tongue tie cut at 4 months old so I wondered whether he would struggle with eating and he had not long learnt how to use the muscles in his tongue to feed from a bottle. I have found him enjoying blw so much has had a knock on effect in terms of how well he uses his tongue to drink his milk from his bottle!
What age is baby now?
Freddie is nearly 7 months old now. He absolutely loves food and clearly loves meal times.